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Article: Simple Engagement Rings That Prove Less is More

Simple Engagement Rings That Prove Less is More - Michael Gabriels

Simple Engagement Rings That Prove Less is More

Have you been searching for the right engagement ring for you or your loved one? Someone who will appreciate something a bit more subdued or modest? Is your loved one someone who appreciates minimalism? 

Are you working on a budget and want to know how far you can stretch it? Do you believe in the phrase “less is more?” Have you just gotten frustrated with computer algorithms that guess at what you want, and never seem to really get it right?

Well, thankfully you have arrived at the right place. In this Michael Gabriels blog, we are going to cover simple engagement rings proving that less can certainly be more. 

First, let's talk about perspectives. Simple might be as simple does, to paraphrase Forrest Gump. But the above adage, “less is more,” can really be interpreted dynamically when engagement ring shopping With all the options out there ranging from elaborate to simple engagement rings, it wouldn’t be surprising if at some point you felt like a bumbling idiot. 

Don’t worry, in this blog, we’re going to cover and simplify a variety of different ways to interpret this idiom, and hopefully, at least one will suit you. If not please reach out to us and one of our experts will be happy to help you find what you are looking for. And if we do hit the mark here, reach out to us and we will be happy to produce it for you. 

So what do we mean by perspectives? What comes to mind when you think “less is more?” 

Did you answer, “I want to stretch my budget to get the most out of it?” Or maybe you said to yourself, “I am (or) My partner is not a flashy person, they/I like simplicity, clean lines, and straightforwardness.” 

Or perhaps you said, “They/I want something unique and intricate, but live an active lifestyle, so maybe certain rings won’t be wearable.” 

Or you said, “Just make me a ring the way I say I want it. I’m frustrated with all these places where they just attempt to sell me something or where an algorithm constantly erroneously predicts what I'm looking for.  And I don’t want it made in a factory somewhere, by a machine, or worse.” 

If you answered anything similar to these above, we probably will have something for you in this article. We will be happy to help you fit that specific definition of “less is more,” that you or your partner ascribes to.

Let's start with a favorite of many: A solitaire setting with prongs. This is perhaps the most iconic yet simple engagement ring style. (You can tell because it's how cartoons generally picture engagement rings.)

Its popularity is no surprise since it  holds securely with our blog's premiseIts popularity is no surprise since it holds securely with our blog's premise. A very minimalist and simple engagement ring  with very little metal, the solitaire setting’s center stone exposure  is the main priority. And that also makes this simple engagement ring, available in platinum or gold, versatile in terms of carat size and stone shape and thus, expense.  Any of our lab-grown diamonds in the hand-picked Michael Gabriels gem library will look fantastic and sensational on you. This is definitely a setting that can stretch a budget and create an engagement ring that’s simple and extraordinary.

Solitaire settings with prongs come in a wide range of forms, and we can customize it to suit your desires, so don’t think that it's a one-style-fits-all simple engagement ring setting. There are a myriad of different ways you can add some character to your solitaire set lab-grown diamond, without losing the look or budget you want. 

Was that too minimalist? Or maybe you are worried that the prongs might snag on something? Perhaps your partner lives a very active lifestyle and probably won’t want to be taking off their ring? Well, there are plenty of other simple engagement ring options.
Cathedrals, like Notre Dame and  Lincoln, offer up images of grace as well  as a certain indefatigability. Cathedral  settings likewise have soft,

Cathedrals, like Notre Dame and Lincoln, offer up images of grace as well as a certain indefatigability. Cathedral settings likewise have soft, flowing lines and security in their winged shoulders, which snag a bit less than just prongs. Architecturally unique and regal, these Simple gold and platinum egagement rings, hold attention well without being ostentatious. You can customize this fabulous and simple engagement ring in a variety of ways, such as filigree and milgrain detailing, accent stones, or pave. You can even speak to one of our experts about other ways you can add your or your partner's personality to this design.

In a pleasing variation, Trellis settings are similar to Cathedral settings. However, instead of a bridge beneath the center stone, the ends of the ring shank cross underneath the diamond and become the prongs holding it up between the winged shoulders. This minimalist engagement ring is nothing short of exceptional. 

Looking for something different? 

Well, let’s ask, what does your partner's day look like? 

Does gym, work, class, pick up kids, rock climbing, cook dinner, clean, hobby project, sleep, rinse, repeat, sound at all familiar? 

What about style? Are they a bit less flashy, more subdued? Does “low maintenance” describe them? 

What about a bezel setting then? With a band of metal wrapping around the girdle of the diamond, the setting on this simple engagement ring secures it in place and gives it an unassuming look. 

Bezel settings add a great deal of security for your diamond, and they can be raised up off the band or can be set flush into it. A bezel setting is less ostentatious, contrary to the outright, glittering bling in the profile of a standard solitaire, or the magnificent carriage of the cathedral or trellis, and a bezel setting’s covered edges tantalize, almost seductively. 

These minimalist simple engagement rings are extraordinarily versatile and can either fully surround the diamond or only surround part of it. While their minimalism is accentuated by more subdued bands, a bezel can be set into intricately designed bands, or used in conjunction with aspects of other setting styles. 

If your partner has an extremely active lifestyle, then you might want to consider a flush setting that will fully protect the diamond as much as you want to protect your loved one. 

In a flush setting, the diamond is placed directly in the band, with little to no protrusion of the precious gem. That makes this simple engagement ring a universally low-maintenance, low-risk setting. So if you’re looking for a ring for someone living an ultra-active lifestyle, this might be one of the most practical settings. 

This setting also offers a widely different aesthetic compared to the above rings. It can vary from ornately decorated to industrially clean. So this kind of setting can be made equally appropriate for someone who enjoys dancing around the maypole, dancing in the mosh pit, or dancing inside as they reach the summit of Mt.Everest. Their diamond simple engagement ring will not tumble the five and a half miles to the base.

Take a look at bypass settings as well. This elegant and sentimental design has the shank of the ring split, with one end of the shank on either side of the center stone. This type of minimalist engagement ring sings elegance, playfulness, and charm. With the center-stone set very low, or flush with the band, this setting also offers a terrific amount of security for your lab-grown diamond. 

Do any of these simple engagement rings appeal to you? There are plenty of variations on each of these themes. We at Michael Gabriels, specializing in bespoke jewelry, are happy to come up with whatever suits your fancy. 

Besides the minimalist settings here, there are a number of other ways in which you can customize your perfect ring to keep it on the “less is more” side of the scale while including your character and personality to truly make it yours and one of a kind; just like you and your partner are. 

Not interested in just a plain, normal band but also not ready to walk around with a finger full of pave? 

How about a knife-edge band? 

These bands are wider on the inside and taper outwards, creating a central ridge running all or most of the way around the band. Knife-edge bands present more surface area of metal to the light to reflect the glint and glimmer, so they shine more than most simple engagement rings with metal bands.

They also add stability and structure to your ring because of that extra metal in the band, making it a great accent to balance a higher setting in a ring for someone leading a more active lifestyle.

Twisted bands also add a scintillating luster without overpowering the sheen and glimmer of the center stone, or stones. 

Want an even more subdued look? Instead of a glossy surface, try a satin or matte finish on your band to contrast the shine and glitter of your center stone or stones for the perfect minimalist and simple engagement ring. Or have designs etched or molded into your ring, all handcrafted by our artisans and craftspeople. 

Is one metal too simple? Try multiple tones by designing prongs with a different metal than the band, or twist or layer different metals in the shank. At Michael Gabriels, we work with yellow, white and rose gold and platinum. Our experts, craftspeople, and artisans commonly design multi-tone jewelry in a myriad of styles. 

Pave, while often seen in elaborate displays, can be a simple way to add a lot to your ring. Consider a halo to frame your center stone and make it look larger and add to the scintillation, fire and brilliance. 

Or for a more simple engagement ring look, consider a hidden halo, which will add to the attraction from side angles and add light to the setting. Sometimes a single line of pave running partially down the shank, under the diamond on the bridge, or up the prongs, can be a simple way to add light and personality to your wedding ring

Lastly, our process at Michael Gabriels simplifies the design and creation of a ring. We work personally with you instead of being directed to a computer algorithm. Decades of experience are at your disposal to help you choose a center stone, a setting, any side stones or accents, the metal, and detail it to your heart's desire. After that, we produce a 3-d computer model and a resin prototype for you to experience what those conversations lead to. 

After you give the go-ahead, we produce your stunning yet simple engagement ring, here in NYC. The independent artisans and craftspeople we work with all produce your ring by hand, with extraordinary attention to detail. When it's perfect, we package it in our customized box which is very discrete and can fit in an average-sized pocket without looking suspicious. 

“Less is more,” is a popular axiom for good reason. Many cultures, philosophies, religions -ways of life- find meaningful existence in simplifying life. Today, in America, our lives contain so many more options, events, people, and possibilities than anyone ever before in the history of the world. 

It can be amazing and wonderful, but it's understandable if it can be overwhelming. These days, when something meaningful is simplified, or extended beyond what you originally hoped, it can be all that more significant. 

Let us at Michael Gabriels help you design and produce a remarkable and simple engagement ring that you and your partner, and everyone you know and don’t know, will love while proving that less can certainly be more.

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